First set up the document's layout parameters in the upper panel of the wizard (see below), then add file(s) and specify the regions to be clipped from them in the lower panel, see File pages table.

1.Click New... and select IDF Document wizard from the 'File' menu. Or
Press Ctrl Z keys.
2.Choose Composite document then click OK.
3.If a title page is required, tick Title page to display the 'Text for title' edit window. Key in the title-text then close the window (Alt F4) to return to the wizard. (You may re-edit the title-page text by clicking Text... to re-open the 'Text for title' edit window.)
'Title page' counts as page1.
4.Choose a layout from the drop-down list:
oBooklet of up to four pages per sheet, see Booklet
oClose packed to minimize gaps between clip-regions, see Close packed
o1 column, 2 columns, 3 columns, 4 columns per page, see Multi-column
oMusic part extraction of parts from a full score, see Music part extraction
5.Enter the type of Paper to be used, for example A4 (see also Paper types and Booklet).
6.You may enter a PCL input tray number in the Tray edit-box, but it is not normally required and so usually left blank.
7.Select orientation of paper: Portrait or Landscape. (See also Booklet).
8.For all layouts except Booklet (which is always printed in duplex), tick Duplex to print on both sides of the paper; deselect to print on one side only (simplex).
9.Enter the Scale at which to render the clip-regions.
oFor Booklet the default value is 0.7071.
oFor all other layouts, the default value is 1.
10.If your chosen layout is 'Music part extraction', tick Bar numbers to include the number of the first bar of each staff. Deselecting this option places original location numbers on the first bar of each staff instead. See Music part extraction.
11.To set up a template for numbering pages, click Page numbers... button: see Setting up text. The current template is shown in the panel alongside the button. When the template's 'Alignment' is set to None (the default value), this panel is blank and page numbering is switched off.
You may opt to offset the page-number text from the selected 'Bounds':
oEnter a horizontal offset distance of the Bounds corner to the closest text corner in the X edit-box.
oEnter a vertical offset distance of the Bounds corner to the closest text corner in the Y edit-box.
oEnter the vertical space allowed for the page numbers in the Height edit-box. The default is the natural size of the selected font.

You now need to select the files and the regions within them which you would like to put in your new document: see File pages table.

Closing the wizard


If you would like to take a quick look at the output but don't need to print the entire file, enter a number in the Total pages edit-box. This sets an upper limit on the number of pages processed.

The setup of the wizard can be saved for future reference: click Save list... to display a standard 'Save' dialog. Enter a File name for the file, then Save as type List of files.