1. | Choose Export... from the 'File' menu or
press Ctrl E keys. |
3. | To avoid a new file overwriting an existing file with the same name, tick Do not overwrite files: see Overwriting files. |
4. | Choose FDL forms as the 'Format'.
A filename (with extension .FDL) and folder are supplied. |
o | To create a different filename or extension, type in the new name or use wild-cards. |
o | To select a different folder to store the file, use the Browse button. |
To make 'FDL forms' format the default, click Save format.
5. | Tick the Force monochrome check-box if required. Click FDL options... to configure FDL export options. |
6. | Tick Run the associated program after creating the file if you would like EscapeE to open the file immediately using your preferred program, e.g. RedTitan Page Designer. See Associated programs. |
7. | Click OK to export the pages. |
When generating FDL forms it may be necessary to save fonts and images. A folder is created to contain any download fonts saved during FDL form generation (usually \RedTitan\FONTS\PCLDLOAD). For fonts a name is made based on the font name, point size etc, and a check is made to see if it is the same as a previously encountered font to avoid duplicates. Because some drivers only download the characters they need, the downloaded characters may be merged into an existing font if it has the same characteristics and shares some characters with the new font and there are no discrepancies. Images are given names based on hashing the image data and stored in the IMAGES sub-directory of the library root directory (usually \RedTitan\FONTS\IMAGES). Each image is only saved once, so before saving the image a check is also made to see if it exists already. To save fonts and images in specific library paths see Changing font and image libraries.
To avoid problems when you are reusing the form, you can set EscapeE to recalculate the characteristics of download fonts. See Setting General export options.
FDL export options