To export files to TIFF images
1. | Choose Export... from the 'File' menu. |
3. | Select Discard file list if you want same-named files to be overwritten - see File List. |
4. | Choose TIFF images as the 'Format'. |
5. | A filename (with extension .TIF) and folder are supplied. To create a different filename or extension, type in the new name or use wildcards. To select a different folder to store the file, use the Browse button. |
7. | Select Multi-page TIFFs if you want to create one file containing all the images rather than several files each containing a single page image. |
9. | If you have defined data fields on the pages, EscapeE will automatically create a .LOG file in CSV format. Select the fields to be logged: see options for Log file export. |
10. | Click OK to export the pages. |
• | For optimum viewing of TIFF files with resolutions other than 300 dpi users may wish to create prescaled fonts at the correct resolution using Font Rasteriser. |
Special options for TIFF export:
• | You can opt to create a single multi-page TIFF instead of single pages if you want all the images in one file rather than a file for every page of the job. |
• | You can export only part of the printed region by sweeping out an area of the page with the cursor and choosing Selected area from the 'Images options...'. If you choose 'Selected area' and no area has been marked out (e.g. when converting in batch mode) the area where data fields are marked is exported. |
• | You can rotate the image to the orientation of the page. It can be useful to load TIFFs directly on a Xerox DocuPrint and then call them up in PostScript. For example, for a portrait page use the 270 degree option. For faxing you should choose Portrait to rotate all pages to Portrait orientation regardless of their original orientation. |
• | You can output the image as a contiguous chunk of data rather than being divided into strips (which is the format recommended in the original TIFF specification): see Setting advanced TIFF image options. This is useful for simplistic programs or for direct access via PostScript on a printer such as a Xerox Docuprint (TM). |
See also
Export formats