The text extracted from data-fields can be exported to log-files in plain text (extension .LOG), CSV (with field names in the first record) or XML (you may opt to create XSL and CSS stylesheets too) formats. When exporting the document in an image format, all log-files are given the extension ".LOG". Pages and sheets may be logged, see Setting Log file options. Log-files can be imported into a database or fed to the RedTitan Dynamic Document Formatter.
Plugins are available which add special features to EscapeE. For example, text may be extracted by optical character recognition, changed and repositioned; field-values may be used as barcodes or to handle dynamic images etc..
If you are exporting proportionally spaced text into fixed-pitch plain text, EscapeE can strip or add spaces and control the way text is aligned, see Setting advanced options in field definitions.
Note that in order to extract meaningful text you may need to reconfigure the symbolset. If the document was created by a driver which assigns arbitrary codes to the characters, then it will be necessary to match the downloaded characters to those in the character recognition database EEfonts.
When exporting to IDF and RTF, you may choose to output everything on a page or just those areas which contain fields.