To open the Page editor, open or re-open the Composite document wizard, right-click a row of the File/Page table then click Show clip regions.

The page-editor opens with the clip regions outlined in a window below the Trimming panel. You may choose the Scale at which pages are shown from the Trimming panel: 300%, 200%, 150%, 100%, 75%, 50%, 33%, 25% or Fit window (the default).

Adjustments to the size/position of a clip-region may be made using the mouse. Left-click down on a boundary line of a clip region then drag and release the mouse button when the line is correctly placed.

Right-click inside the boundary line of a clip-region to display a pop-up menu of editing options:

Delete field

Tip: it is often easier to 'Delete field' then 'Add field' than to drag a misplaced boundary line to its proper position.

Add field

Use the mouse to sweep out the new clip-region then click 'Add field'.

Trim field

Remove any lines of white pixels bordering the contents of the clip-region.

Set Part number

In Music Part extraction:
Enter H to use the field as the header.
Enter F to use the field as the footer.
Enter C to use the field as a caption.
Enter an integer (1 to 99) to assign a Part number to the field.
Enter 0 to ignore the field.

Show histogram

In Music Part extraction:
Keeps count of all the printed pixels occurring on each horizontal line of pixels on the page. This information is displayed as a bar chart at the side of the page and is a useful visual aid when sweeping-out clip-regions.

Set caption

Enter the caption text in the edit box then click 'OK'.
(The text-origin is taken from the position of the mouse on right-click.)

Tip: the mouse coordinates are shown below 'Scale' on the 'Trimming' panel.

To return to the Booklet wizard, click OK.


Trimming options