The nature of the data shown on this page of the Notebook depends on the type of file.

Click to expand/collapse hidden textFont file details

Full path and name of file

Font family, name, number and version


Point-size, spacing, vertical spacing

Baseline and height above baseline


plus a table of the widths of each character present in the font.

Finding a character's width

To find the width of a particular character, look down the left column to find the most significant digit of the character's code, then look for the least significant digit in the header row. The value at the place where these two coordinates cross is the width of that character. In the example above, the character hex41 (letter "A") has a width of 46.

To print these details, click Print... on the menu-bar. Other information may be printed at the same time: see Configure.

Click to expand/collapse hidden textLogo file details

Full path and name of file


'Font' name and Version number


Logo height and width

Spacing and Average 'character' width

Height above baseline and Vertical spacing

Symbol set



'Character' mapping and widths

To print these details, click Print... on the menu-bar. Other information may be printed at the same time: see Configure.

Click to expand/collapse hidden textRIF image file details

Full path and name of file

Bits per pixel

Image height and width

X and Y resolution


To print these details (along with the Sample image in its current rotation), click Print... on the menu-bar.


RFF files font header

RIF features

Font information