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PCL Master Symbol List - UNICODE
pcl msl
This document adds MSL to UNICODE translations to the HP PCL/PJL PCL 5 Comparison guide Appendix D Table D-1. The RedTitan equivalent table index is shown on the right.

The Comparison Guide goes on to define a subset of character collections Table D-4 (right) indexed by Unicode.

All characters referenced in table D-1 are now defined in the
RedTitan MSL/UNICODE master database.

  • Page references are tables that can be visually compared with the graphics in the PCL Comparison Guide. i.e. so that MSL numbers can be identified.

  • The character names are based on the HP PCL Comparison Guide, Xerox documentation or the Unicode.org name.

  • The RedTitan MSL/UNICODE master database defines about 619 MSL numbers as follows... 0..6, 8..64, 66..97 ,99..303, 305..333, 335, 338..342, 400..407, 410..411, 414..423, 428..429, 432..435, 438..463, 466..471, 474..487, 500..615, 617..669, 1000..1006, 1017..1021, 1023,1028, 1030..1031, 1034, 1036, 1040..1045, 1047, 1060..1065, 1067..1069, 1084..1116

  • Character graphics in the following tables are based on the font Arial MS UNICODE. This font contains all the required characters except those flagged *** NG (No Graphic) in the database. Currently only two characters fall into this category - U+2384 Composition symbol and U+03DD Greek small letter Digamma.

  • U+FFFF is used as the "Not Unicode" character. The character name is flagged *** NU

  • pcl msl
    pcl msl
    pcl msl

    Table D-4 Unicode index
    AsciiBit 31
    Latin 1iBit 30
    Latin 2Bit 29
    Latin 5Bit 28
    Latin 6Bit 20
    Desktop publishingBit 27
    AccentsBit 26
    PCLBit 25
    MacBit 24
    postscriptBit 23
    Table D-1 MSL indexed
    Collection flagPage reference
    Basic Latin (bit 63)294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300
    East European (Bit 62) 301
    Turkish (Bit 61) 302
    Baltic/Nordic/Latin-6 (Bit 60) 303,304
    Math (Bit 34) 305,306,307,308
    Semi-Graphics (Bit 33) 309,310,311
    PCL MSL numbers in the data base that have no Unicode equivalent.
    1. 0317 uppercase acute (Xerox EFF9)
    2. 0318 uppercase grave(Xerox EFF8)
    3. 0319 uppercase circumflex (Xerox EFF7)
    4. 0320 uppercase dieresis (Xerox EFF6)
    5. 0321 uppercase tilde (Xerox EFF5)
    6. 0322 uppercase caron (Xerox EFF4)
    7. 0323 uppercase ring above (Xerox EFF3)
    8. 0330 uppercase cedilla (Xerox EFF2)
    9. 1030 uppercase ogonek (Xerox EFF2)
    10. 1045 uppercase double acute (Xerox EFF0)
    11. 1085 uppercase macron (Xerox EFEF)
    12. 1087 uppercase breve (Xerox EFEE)
    13. 1089 uppercase overdot (Xerox EFED)
    14. 0661 Large solid box (XEROX EFFB)
    15. 0559 Vector Symbol
    16. 0560 Overline comp.
    17. 0520 Underline, Composite
    18. 0600 Top Left brace
    19. 0601 Middle Left brace
    20. 0602 Bottom Left brace
    21. 0603 Middle Curve Integral
    22. 0604 Top Left Summation
    23. 0605 Dbl Vert Line Composite (Arrows)
    24. 0606 Bottom Left Summation
    25. 0607 Bottom Diagonal Summation
    26. 0610 Top Right brace
    27. 0611 Middle Right brace
    1. 0612 Bottom brace
    2. 0613 Thick Vert Line, Composite
    3. 0614 Thin Vert Line, Composite
    4. 0615 Bottom Radical, Vert
    5. 0616 Top Right Summation, Composite
    6. 0617 Middle Summation
    7. 0618 Bottom Right Summation
    8. 0619 Top Diagonal Summation
    9. 0623 Mask Symbol, Sup
    10. 0640 Power Set Symbol
    11. 0643 Left double Bracket
    12. 0644 Middle double Bracket
    13. 0645 Right double Bracket
    14. 0648 Ext Lrg Union/Product
    15. 0649 Bottom Lrg Union
    16. 0650 Top Large Intersection
    17. 0651 Top Left double Bracket
    18. 0652 Bottom Left double Bracket
    19. 0657 Bottom Lrg Bott Product
    20. 0658 Top Large Top Product
    21. 0659 Top Right double Bracket
    22. 0660 Bottom Right double Bracket
    23. 0665 Horz. Arrow Ext
    24. 0666 Dbl Horz. Arrow Ex
    25. 0667 Complement of #617
    26. 1116 Visible End-of-File

    These unkown in UNICODE characters fall into four main categories.
    1. UNICODE has no concept of uppercase floating accents. Unknown characters number 1 to 13 do not exist in UNICODE. Xerox were obviously moved to create fonts with these characters defined in the Unicode PRIVATE USE plane. In principle, these characters could be made from combining diacritics. The notional lower case floating accent do exist. See Basic Latin page 296
    2. Except for box drawing, the world has moved away from gluing several small characters together to make one large one; and Unicode does not try (except strangely for the integral sign). A large number of the unknowns are just character fragments. This rather messes up Math (bit 34) page 307
    3. Should be in UNICODE but are not (or at least I can't find 'em).
    4. The pathological.

    MSL conversion requiring more research

    There are a few characters that I should not have put into the database. (they should be flagged unknown)
    • MSL 1100 ® registered mark is treated as the same as 1103. It should be a serif version. (shouldn't this be a font style issue?)
    • MSL 1102 ™ trade mark is treated as the same as 1105. It should be a serif version
    • MSL 1101 © copyright mark is treated as the same as 1104. It should be a serif version.
    • 0216 U+266B beamed eighth notes does not look like the HP graphic.
    • The round corners 646,647,655,656 on page 307 won't join up!
    • The bullets (both round and square) need some thought.

    MSL to UNICODE conversion tables
    PCL MSL page 294l PCL MSL page 294r

    PCL MSL page 295l PCL MSL page 295r

    PCL MSL page 296l PCL MSL page 296r

    PCL MSL page 297l PCL MSL page 297r

    PCL MSL page 298l PCL MSL page 298r

    PCL MSL page 299l PCL MSL page 299r

    PCL MSL page 300rl

    PCL MSL page 301l PCL MSL page 301r

    PCL MSL page 302rl

    PCL MSL page 303l PCL MSL page 303r

    PCL MSL page 304rl

    PCL MSL page 305l PCL MSL page 305r

    PCL MSL page 306l PCL MSL page 306r

    PCL MSL page 307l PCL MSL page 307r

    PCL MSL page 308l PCL MSL page 308r

    PCL MSL page 309l PCL MSL page 309r

    PCL MSL page 310l PCL MSL page 310r

    PCL MSL page 311rl
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