Although HTML has a weak concept of a "page", uberED imposes a
notional page layout so that a WYSIWG impression can be given in the
browser, RedTitan EscapeE or ADOBE PDF of a paginated document.
The BODY element is an array of DIV elements of attribute CLASS
"PAGE" - one for each "page" of the document.
(see below)
static CSS (see below)
document pages content (see below)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- RedTitan Technology HTML5/CSS3 uberED -->
uberEd format general layout
The CSS in the HEAD section is largely static. The "box-sizing" model
is specified so that the padding and the entire border width are
within the specified width of the container. Other CSS selectors are
used to give a paged appearance in a browser .
The width and height in the .PAGE selector defines the notional
page size and is parsed by uberED and EscapeE. They must be
Typically an uberED document author should only change the .PAGE
selector page dimensions
(1)SVG (Scaleable Vector Graphic) Position Elements are static and located at the parent page origin. The children of svg elements are g or text (caption) elements.
(2) Image Element may only be the single child of a class "COLUMN" position element and the image width (scaling) is derived solely from the parent width.
Each page in the document is introduced by the page element class
PAGE div. It is a child of the html body element.
The optional STYLE backgound-image selector may refer to an image
that is to be displayed as a background on the page.
If the optional meta attributes data-background-source and
data-backgound-page specifies a PDF document EscapeE engages
special processing to preserve original content when exporting the file
to a new PDF
The class COLUMN div element gives position information relative to
the page origin of a container of defined width. Background colour,
borders and padding may be optionally specified. The style
designators conform to CSS3 syntax.
An empty break element "<br/>" is used to specify a hard break.
Multiple spaces or line ends are otherwise treated as a single
space. If you wish additional spacing to be preserved used the NON
An anchor element may be used to introduce a hyperlink.
<span style="font: normal normal 12pt 'Arial';color:black;" class="TEXT"
id="TEXT1">The <a href="" >RedTitan</a> website</span>
Data-* attributes added to anchor elements may be used for
private data. (e.g. mail merge markup)
Notes: The text appearance and properties are defined by
the immediate parent elements style attributes. It is not
assumed that style selectors will "cascade". This simplifies
source level editing.
Literal text must be "escaped" to exclude characters that
are reserved by xml using pre-defined entities & for
"&" and < for "<"
The SVG element is a child of a PAGE div element. It introduces the
drawing canvas for Scaleable Vector Graphic and is at a fixed
position top and left relative to the page. The width and height
should be defined the same as the page size.
The text element is a child of an SVG element. It is used to add rotated
captions or text labels at a defined point. XPOS and YPOS must be
expressed in units of dots (96 per inch is the SVG standard). X and Y
dimension and XPOS and YPOS dimension must correspond. (Offset
rotation origin points are not supported).
The G element is a child of an SVG element. It is used to set the line style
of enclosed RECT LINE CIRCLE or PATH elements. The optional
STROKE-DASHARRAY style selector is used to emulate CSS3 dotted and
dashed styles.
The PATH element is a child of a G element. It is used to
construct a curved or a polyline graphic.
A BEZIER CURVE segment consists of a start point , two control
points, and an end point. The end point may form the start point
of a further segment so the curve may be extended by repeatedly
adding three additional coordinates to the list (The M and C
directives are not repeated).
The uberED HTML subset is a regular tree structure as shown on page 3 it is intended to be parsed as simple XML. uberED.exe is a simple WYSIWYG
editor that will also interact with external tools like UTREE.EXE or the text editor assigned to open .TXT files (normally NOTEPAD). uberED will detect
changes to a source document and refresh the WYSIWYG view.
uberED HTML subset is encoding in UTF8. AUTOCLICK.EXE provides a way to add characters from the higher UNICODE planes.
It is assumed files with the extension .HTML will normally be opened by an appropriate browser. EscapeE will open a uberED HTML subset source
document provided the extension RTHTMLIN.DLL is installed. An advanced extension called RS3.EXE may be deployed to engage LUA script support.