There are several ways of scrolling through the document:

Click to expand/collapse this hidden textWith the mouse

|< First page button glyph

Click to move to the first page in the job.

< Previous page arrow (left) button glyph

Click to move to the previous page.

> Next page arrow (right) button glyph

Click to move to the next page.

>| Last page button glyph

Click to move to the last page in the job. Note that this action can be stopped by clicking the Cancel Cancel (x) button glyph button on the Tool-bar. (This button only appears while EscapeE 'eE' iconEscapeE is busy scrolling through to the end: you may not see it if the document is short.)

Window corner scroll-buttons glyph

Click in the scroll bar to jump straight to the next part of the page or click the scroll buttons to step through the page incrementally.

Click to expand/collapse this hidden textOn the keyboard

If you use the PageDown key on your keyboard, EscapeE brings the next piece of text into view. Thus, if you are viewing a whole page, it will show the next page, but, if you are viewing only part of a page, it will show the rest of the page until it reaches the bottom of the page. After this it will go on to the top of the next page. This is useful if you are using 'View Page Width' scale. Similarly, the PageUp key scrolls up.
If you use the Arrow keys on your keyboard, the page scrolls incrementally.
Pressing the Ctrl and N keys displays the next page (forwards); pressing Ctrl B displays the previous page (Backwards).

Click to expand/collapse this hidden textFrom the 'View' menu

Select Next Page to display the following page.
Select Previous Page to display the preceding page.

Click to expand/collapse this hidden textWhen the 'Fields' dialog is open

There are also buttons at the foot of the Field dialog (Ctrl D):
Click the forward Arrow right (>) button glyph arrow to display the following page, click the backward Arrow left (<) button glyph arrow to display the previous page. These serve to page through the document without losing focus on the field definitions. Similarly, there are buttons to scroll the page Scroll-page buttons glyph to the left or right, up or down.