The way
EscapeE looks and behaves when it is opened is specified in the 'Configuration' dialog, which is divided into several pages. Although you will probably change the view of the document while you are working on it (as outlined in Choosing the view of the page for example), this will not change the configuration.
1. | Choose Configuration from the 'Options' menu, or press function key F8. |
3. | Set the Initial window option; choose from |
o | Minimized to place a vestigial EscapeE on the desktop. |
o | Normal to allow the window to be sized manually. |
o | Maximized to fill the screen. |
4. | Choose the Scale units: |
o | Factor scales the page size in integer steps such that 1 is the biggest, 6 is the actual size etc., or |
o | Percent to define the scale for the page as percentages of its true size. |
5. | To add a customized Zoom option to the list, type in a new percentage or scale factor then click New.
To remove a Zoom option from the list, select it then click Delete. |
6. | Choose the Rotation to be applied to the pages before viewing or conversion. The angles are measured counter-clockwise: |
o | 90° Rotate a quarter turn to the left. |
o | 180° Turn page up-side-down. |
o | 270° Equates to rotating the page a quarter turn to the right. |
7. | If using an HP-GL plotter, tick the Override HP GL rotation box if you need to swap the drawing direction. |
8. | Blank pages and pages containing only "space" characters are normally suppressed, but to show blank pages (to facilitate page counting for example) select Show blank pages. (This feature can also be configured from the Printing page.) |
9. | Choose one of the Dimensions options to set up the units used for showing the mouse coordinates and other measurements: |
o | Cm (or press Ctrl 1 keys) |
o | Inches (or press Ctrl 2 keys) |
o | 1/300" (or press Ctrl 3 keys) |
o | 1/600" (or press Ctrl 6 keys) |
10. | To shift the contents of the page (measured in the units selected above): |
o | Enter the distance Right to shift the page horizontally. Enter a negative distance to shift the page to the left. |
o | Enter the distance Down to shift the page vertically. Negative distances shift the page upwards. |
11. | Define the limits of Page extent from the options in the drop-down list: |
o | Printable area The area available for printing on a standard HP printer i.e. leaving an unprintable border, 1/6" wide, on all four edges of the paper. |
o | Paper size The full size of the specified paper. |
o | Unlimited Not restricted by size of paper. |
12. | To configure the way that the unprintable border is shown (many printers do not print "edge-to-edge"): select one of these options from the Unprintable area drop-down box: |
o | Crop Does not show anything that falls outside the printable area. |
o | Outline the valid region Shows the limits of the printable area using a dotted rectangle. Items falling outside the printable area are also shown. |
o | Outline if not blank Shows the dotted rectangle only if the unprintable area is not blank. |
13. | Click Save.
If you have a file open, you will be prompted to reload it. The full re-configuration will be used the next time that EscapeE is opened. |
Tip: to change the view just for the current session, for example to change the unit of measurement, click OK instead of 'Save' (then click Yes if prompted to reload an open file). See also Viewing page information.
Changing the scale of view
Optimizing the configuration
Viewing data fields and tags