where n is the number of counter-clockwise right-angles to rotate text, lines and other drawn items. n may take these values:

 0 (the default) 
 1 (left-side down) 
 2 (up-side down) 
 3 (right-side down) 

Text is rotated after alignment. If ALIGN is not specified then the initial position (i.e. before rotation) may be taken from the LEFT or X, TOP or Y attribute values. When LEFT or TOP is used the string turns around the boundaries of its container; when X or Y is used the string wheels around the leftmost point of the baseline.

PADDING, if specified, is applied after ROTATE.

ROTATE example

Alternatively text, lines and other drawn items may use:


where n is the number of degrees of rotation counter-clockwise.

TEXT element example

Note that while IDF documents using ROTATEd FILLed TEXT elements print correctly, some systems cannot display the rotated text on top of the background colour.
