Exporting plain TeXT data fields

Click to expand/collapse this hidden textTo export data fields to plain text
1.If there are fields defined on the page (see Defining fields and tags):
ochoose Export... from the 'File' menu or
opress Ctrl E keys.
2.Set up the 'Page number range' of the pages you want to export, see Selecting page ranges.
3.To avoid a new file overwriting an existing file with the same name, tick Do not overwrite files. See Overwriting files.
4.Choose Plain text as the 'Format'.
oA default file name (with extension .TXT) is provided. To create a different filename or extension, type in the new name or use wild-cards. To select a different folder to store the file, use the Browse... button. Or
oCheck the LPR box; the filename will be supplied automatically.
5.Choose whether to Run the associated program after creating the file or not. See also Associated programs.
6.You may choose to export:
oall the data fields defined in the job: click All defined fields, or
oonly some of the data fields:
To set up a new selection of fields, click Select... to display the 'Field Definitions' window. Right click on a field name in the Fields list and choose Select for Export. Repeat for other fields you wish to export; you may select Unselect for export if you decide not to export a selected field. Click OK to return to the 'Export' window; the Selected fields only option is selected automatically.
To export an existing selection of fields, choose Selected fields only option.
7.Further options may be set up on the Log File page of the Configuration dialog: click Log file....
8.Click OK to export the fields.

Remember that EscapeE 'eE' iconEscapeE must be configured to use the appropriate driver/symbolset to translate the character codes correctly: see About Symbol sets. Character recognition codes may be set up using EEfonts iconEEfonts, choose Set up database for character recognition from the 'Fonts' menu.

Click to expand/collapse this hidden textTo extract text data fields when exporting to other formats

If you are exporting to an image or other format, the fields can be extracted simultaneously into text format. In this case the file is not given the extension TXT, but a .LOG file is created instead.

Choose the image or other export Format and set any options required (see Exporting files manually), then select the field logging options – see Log file export.