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Print to DICOM format  
Create DICOM from print

dicom release

DICOM stands for Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine and is published by NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association). It is intended to be a universal format for medical images which tries to keep image data closely marked up with other medically relevant information.

RedTitan EscapeE can be used to add special tags to convert print files to DICOM FORMAT

dicom releaset
DICOM conversion formats
  • PCL to DICOM
  • PDF to DICOM
  • Image formats to DICOM
  • Composite documents to DICOM
Capture DICOM print

Printout from legacy medical and diagnostic equipment can be recovered using RedTitan print capture hardware and converted to DICOM. Optical Character Recognition may be used if the textual data is presented in image format.

DICOM resources
dicom release
DICOM data element types

DICOM files are binary and consist of a series of DICOM data elements. These are identified by a tag, written as a pair of hexadecimal numbers. Typically a DICOM file consist of a number of textual tags and a series of images recovered from a diagnostic procedure.

Any format that can be read by RedTitan EscapeE can be simply "marked up" with DICOM tags

DICOM markup using RedTitan EscapeE

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